Daviess County was established on December 29th, 1836, and named for Major Joseph Hamilton Daviess – a soldier from Kentucky who was killed in 1811 at the Battle of Tippecanoe. Daviess County has a rich history. Such history includes robberies by the Jesse James Gang, Mormon wars, a large Amish community, and much more.
Daviess County is a Township form of Government. Townships are operated by board members who are responsible for setting tax levies, maintaining roads and culverts under 36 inches, and zoning regulations. The County is comprised of 15 Townships: Benton, Salem, Washington, Lincoln, Marion, Grand River, Jamesport, Jefferson, Liberty, Union, Jackson, Colfax, Sheridan, Monroe, and Harrison.
Daviess County includes eight cities: Altamont, Coffey, Gallatin (County Seat), Jameson, Jamesport, Lock Springs, Pattonsburg and Winston. It is also home to the beautiful Lake Viking.
Approximately 8,430 people call Daviess County home. The County totals 569 square miles of lush farmland, small-town living, historic sites, and an ever-growing community.